Niall McCrae
The cackling DEI hire is on her way to the White House. For sure, Democrat-supporting media are now energised by the coming presidential election, after spending months under the greying skies of Joe Biden’s undeniable dementia. Of course, the Deep State doesn’t need a president who can think, decide and act for himself. But Biden was clearly becoming an embarrassment, and it was not credible for him to stand again.
Indeed, Biden was literally finding difficulty in standing. Two days before he quit, he was seen struggling to cope with the steps descending from an aeroplane. His mental and physical impairment were blatant: how could this man be expected to lead the Free World in the turbulent times ahead?
The decline began even before the rigged election of 2020. But the decision to depose him was very sudden. Perhaps Old Joe had a minor stroke, forcing the hand of the people who are really in charge. If you have woken up to the reality of a uniparty, you will understand why Kamala Harris was chosen. Only Harris would fare as badly as Biden at the ballot. The Deep State wants the jingoist Donald Trump in charge, as the military-industrial complex gears up for war with Iran.
Looking back on the Trump shooting farce, the selection of ultra-Zionist JD Vance as vice-presidential nominee and the dropping of Biden, it may be more meaningful to reverse the chronological sequence. Events are often staged to lead to a further development, and therefore the latter must be given primacy in understanding the former. Was the fake shooting of Trump necessary for the late removal of Biden from the coming election?
The alleged assassination attempt led to ludicrous headlines, across the mainstream media as well as right-wing websites, on Trump being saved by God. He burnished his Messiah credentials on reading from a teleprompter at the Republic National Convention, wearing a bandage on his ear. ‘As I rose’, he told the enraptured audience, he recalled his hand soaked in blood from the bullet wound. This was manifestly untrue, and one of many indicators that the whole show was a hoax with Trump’s full participation.
If you still think that Trump was actually shot, how would you explain: –
- No sign of immediate shock from the explosive force and sonic boom of a high-velocity bullet
- No blood on his hand after he touched the point of impact (or when he waved at the crowd afterwards)
- What happened to the bullet after it went through Trump’s ear?
- Would the photographer who took the picture of the bullet in flight have been using such a high shutter speed?
- When Trump arose, his ear was covered in blood, with two streaks across his cheek, yet there was not a single red speck on his white collar (merely an inch from his profusely bloodied ear)
- How did an assassin bring a large ladder and a rifle gain access to a high-security event?
- Why was CNN broadcasting the rally live? This was highly unusual.
- Why was a cameraman ushered to the front of the stage just before the shots? Was it a planned, to produce the iconic image?
Some of the anomalies could be explained by an inside job. But the most difficult challenge to believers is the unlikelihood of a sniper (accidentally or deliberately) hitting Trump in the only possible way that would cause him to bleed from his head yet survive to face the audience again. Consider the stupendous betting odds on that. And as for a failed FBI plot, don’t you think that they’d kill Trump if they wanted? Using Occam’s Razor, the most plausible theory is that there was no bullet, just as the most plausible theory for Covid-19 is that there was no virus – why leave anything to chance/.
Trump has told the biggest lie of any election campaign. Declaring himself ‘father of the vaccine’ was bad enough. But he is treating his hero-worshipping rally-goers and voters as fools.
The idea for the staged shooting, though, would not have been Trump’s. He is merely playing his part in a grand theatrical production. The Washington overlords came to the conclusion that Biden had to go. But if the incumbent resigned from the election in an orderly way, this would have led to an orderly selection process, and an orderly winner who could beat Trump. Gavin Newsom, for example.
Instead, a rapid fait accompli was plotted, installing the hapless vice-president as Democrat contender. .While the American people focused on the incident at the Pennsylvania rally, Biden was sent home with a Covid-19 diagnosis. A letter was issued, purportedly from Biden, withdrawing from the election. So massive was the Trump shooting that the departure of the sitting president was relatively low-key. And Harris was so quickly propelled into position that commentators had no time to propose other Democrat figures.
So, in short, the coronation of Kamala Harris was a necessary act, not because Biden had lost credibility but possibly because his health had taken a serious downturn. He might not last until the election. To avoid a Democrat contest that would result in a proficient and persuasive leader, a dramatic event was staged that would overshadow the palace coup.
Any Trump fans worried about vote-rigging should relax. For the powers-that-be, he is their choice, and they tend to get what they want (as in the 2020 election, where Sleepy Joe got over 80 million votes (many from cemeteries or counting machine codes). Take your big win in November, and enjoy the few weeks of peace before all hell breaks loose in 2025. Trump took a fake shot to his ear, but legions of Trump fans, will soon be facing more dangerous projectiles.
Lead Correspondent | David Clews is the Lead Correspondent for UNN, with over 20 years of political/campaigning experience and a wealth of social media and communication skills David gets to the heart of what is really important to the real people of the UK.
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